Grilled Orange Cupcakes

Grilled Orange Cupcakes

This recipe is a great way to utilize the orange rinds after pressing for juice. You could just buy oranges for this and scoop out the center, but I love fresh orange juice. Using a vanilla batter will result in a creamsicle like flavor. A fun recipe to make with the kids but everyone will love the moist and delicious cupcakes.  

Yield: see batter box
Prep time: 15 mins
Grill time: 10 mins


  • Halved oranges, rind only
  • Your favorite cupcake batter – Spice or Vanilla is preferred
  • A cupcake tin or some foil.
  • Icing (Orange Cream Icing recipe below)


  1. Cut the oranges in half and scoop out the insides. You don’t have to be perfect about it. If there is some orange left in there it will just be a tasty treat at the bottom of your cupcake.
  2. Fill the orange halves 3/4 full with cupcake batter.
  3. Place the oranges in foil directly on the grill. I think the cupcake tray worked better but the tray got a bit charred and is a pain to clean. Use an old one if you have one.
  4. Monitor the cupcakes really closely. The cooking speed will vary depending on the heat of your grill. You may also need to rotate the tray or the individual cupcakes to account for uneven heat. You know they are done when a toothpick comes out dry. It took mine about 10 minutes to cook.

Orange Cream Icing


  • 1/2 C 1 stick butter, room temperature
  • 3 oz (about 1/3 C) orange marmalade
  • 1 1/2 C powdered sugar
  • 1 T heavy cream
  • 1/2 t vanilla extract
  • 1/2 t orange extract


  1. Beat butter until creamy.
  2. Beat in marmalade.
  3. Beat in powdered sugar.
  4. Add heavy cream and extracts.
  5. Taste and frost.

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